Monday, September 11, 2017

I'm sick and tired of seeing the letter "T" in the headline

I’m a hold out, I still read a newspaper. The headlines dominate your first glance giving you a hint of the features and tone of the day. For a long time, every morning has been dominated by Trump in the headlines.

Nine months ago Donald Trump won the election. Since then, almost every headline includes his name. You see that capital “T” and you don’t have to read any further, you know what’s coming. This is not an accident, he wants everyone to say his name out loud and like it. The problem is we don’t like it as a whole, or should I say “hole”. 

Donald J started running for president about 25 years before the election. I always wondered what his game was but I knew he was up to something. He put his name everywhere. Trump hotels, Trump suits, Trump ties, Trump TV show, Trump kids, Trump steaks, Trump Casinos on and on. It kind of reminds me of a promotion for a company named “Beatrice” a number of years ago. I had never heard the company name before, suddenly all channels were filled with their praise. Beatrice made everything, food, tires, furniture, vacuums, electric guitars, blenders, appliances, nuts and bolts. At the end of every commercial would be a hesitation then…”Beatrice’. This went on for a few weeks, then I opened the newspaper. “Beatrice Company Sold for $20 Gazillion dollars”. We were introduced to this entity, bombarded, then informed they sold for a bundle. This reminds me of Trump’s rise to world fame. I hate to admit it, but I believe he is the most famous person in the world. I didn’t say most popular, but this entity has placed his name on everything making him public interest number one…with a “T”.

I don’t know if the public realizes how tactically we were fooled. He has always reminded me of the bully on the school yard. Every school has one. A little bigger than the other kids, richer, spoiled, self-centered with a giant mouth that spews nicknames for girls with braces or kids with handicaps. I grew up with one exactly like him, by coincidence his father was a well-known Republican politician. 

What I find annoying is having conversations where you complain to a friend about hearing and seeing too much Trump. Sometimes the answer is don’t read or watch. The problem is when I go the places I find enjoyable they are often already labeled Trump, I have to make that “T” identification before moving on. So I must think of him first, before not thinking about him and changing direction. It was easy with the Kardashian’s. I’m not their demographic so they won’t invade my space. When they were on TV I could easily turn the channel and watch something else. Now the world is the Trump channel, it’s “T” on your dial. Hold on what’s a dial? 

He craps on a gold toilet…in his plane. I can’t un-know this. I would be fine not being privy to this information. “Toilet” even starts with a “T”. This is the same toilet that I believe this man aspires our country to resemble. What really bums me out is that I wake up wondering what part of America he wants to take away. Healthcare? Equality? National Security? Neighbors? He’s in my opening headline before I even see the paper. I am honestly sick of this, it’s like listening to the same song over and over. I don’t like this song and the only way not to listen is to go camping without any cell service. 

Unless he quits or Mueller throws him in jail, we will have a few years more of this negative based American life. His overwhelming supply of ridiculous makes me want to put on an orange helmet and slam my head against the wall. The truth is fake, what’s fake is the truth. He distorts reality and claims injustice while thrusting forward with his prejudiced barrage. If he gets bounced, Mike Pence takes over which may be worse. He understands government and has his fundamentalist agenda to implement. He’s not popular with voters, sketches the truth and always looks like he needs to make a doodie.

I have decided to have fun with it. Being I am a cartoonist, so I think of goofy stories. Life after the nuke follows the life of Tronk, the obvious leader of the new cave world. He tweets his thoughts using a rock tablet. This format is fairly fast to produce now that I have created a template. Animating as fast as the news cycle was almost impossible…almost. I believe that Tronk can keep up with Trump as long as he’s in office. I look forward to changing the cartoon’s direction. 

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