Thursday, August 31, 2017

Understanding a Neanderthal

Developing the “Tronk & Bonka” cartoon was an interesting exercise. Watching a whiteboard explanation gave me my idea for Tronk’s communication method. If WWIII happens, Twitter won’t exist, except in Tronk’s mind. He’ll use his tablet to speak his mind WiFi signal or not. Being that he is a Neanderthal, he has a limited vocabulary, kind of like another orange haired caveman that I can think of. He uses a “pictionary” style method to express his anger and general civic disappointment. 

So each episode has a sequence. First, an opening where the bomb drops and civilization has been reduced to rubble. The meat of the story has Tronk sounding drawing his rage, followed by Bonka bonking him on his head with a stick for being such a goon. This is followed by his second thought which usually doesn’t fix the problem. He is a true caveman.

I went on a bike ride with the intent to figure out a Tronk language. A mixture of identification, understanding with a hint of emoji. One of my first thought for a gag was about his thoughts on global warming. Global was pretty easy, draw a globe. Warming a flame. I disagree, a picture of a bull taking a dump. Oh boy, this type of activity is why I got suspended from Catholic School. 

It took a nuclear bomb for Tronk to find out that words matter. Now words really don’t matter so cryptic cave drawings are right up Tronk’s alley. Some messages are deep some are basic. I will try to keep up with 

The idea is to inform the public about “Cheeto’s” dealings from a Neanderthal point of view.

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