Sunday, August 13, 2017

Raccoons can show up to eat your salmon cat food

Part of my MancaveMancave scheme was to make a place for my two cats to live. We have a one story 3 bedroom house with a separate garage. The cats don’t come in the house but can access the mancave through a cat door. 

We live in the city but there are still critters. I made a mistake back a few years ago, I didn’t realize how much raccoons like salmon flavored cat food. You could see the smell like a fish fog wafting out the cat door. In the middle of the night I heard an intruder, a raccoon the size of a small dog made it’s way into the living room. In seconds I found myself half-naked swinging a mop trying to coax that hairball out the back door. After that invasion you would think I would remember to skip buying salmon cat food. That was 3 years ago.

The other day I entered the mancave in the morning. I forgot, I bought salmon cat food again. I had a gravity feeder filled with yummy, smelly raccoon chow. They had entered through the cat door and had a party after washing their hands in the water dish. I came up with a plan, keep the food in a cooler at night so they won’t come back. Wrong. They came back but were frustrated by the cooler. They left bite marks in the plastic but couldn’t get in.

Logic has taken over. I found a 15-pound plastic container on Amazon that I keep in the pantry to hold the extra food. At night I bring the  gravity feeder in the house. Now, no problem. 

The lesson here is for people that have a mancave with a cat door. Don’t buy salmon cat food, open the bag and leave it within smell distance of a raccoon. 

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