Thursday, August 17, 2017

Ooog the caveman

Building my mancave was what inspired me to create the website I thought about developing a mascot and realized that my character Oooog the caveman was perfect. I originally drew him a long time ago. I was a character in a movie made for a bakery called, “Life without Bread”. I was Oooog the caveman, I ate sandwiches made of rocks because there were no rolls. 

Today we have a troglodyte in office, an orange-haired caveman that has no humility, empathy or insight anywhere past his own butt hole. Tronk has Trump-like hair and a very limited attention span. Any resemblance to the real character is completely coincidental. 

“Tronk” is what happens “after the nuke”. He is the landlord for his mountain of high-rise cave dwellings. Tronk has a female involved in his life. She is a combination of his ex-wife Ivana, daughter Ivanka and newest wife Melania. Together they make the mono-brow, club swinging bombshell named, Bonka. Electricity hasn’t been invented yet so Trunk sketches his tweets on a large screen slate then waits for Bonka’s approval. The way he is going, he will have many headaches before he gets a nod or a smile. 

I designed Tronk to be different from Ooog. They are cave neighbors but have nothing in common. 

Tronk wants to build a wall to keep out invaders from the south. Oooog wants more company. Tronk wants to drill for oil, Oooog hopes to invent solar panels. 

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