Saturday, August 12, 2017

How much TV can you fit in a Mancave?

When you are planning a Mancave, video is a big question. How big a TV can you fit in your space?

First you have to deal with code. Old garages had wood beams in an “X” brace pattern. When you re-build, current code requires an “H” pattern which creates a perfect mount for a big screen TV.  

Doing the math, a garage is generally 200’X200’. We have two eyeballs. Therefore we should buy 400 square feet of television, 200’ for each eye. My original thought was to get a TV so big it would be the garage door. After recovering from my delirium I started making plans that were actually possible. 

I am an artist. For many years I have had a television within view while working. It’s like having people around but they don’t bother you. In my Mancave design my desk is in the back facing out giving me command of the room. Fung Shui requires a few adjustments. 

• Clear Clutter
• Desk Position (to see as much of the room as possible)
• Hang Positive Images
• Balance (incorporate wood, earth, metal, fire and water)
• Choose Colors (soft yellow, pale gold, blue green earth tones,  white for clarity
• Use Stress Relievers (running water, mist or oils, no harsh lighting

That’s enough new age B.S., lets get back to televisions. I paid a visit to Best Buy. Walking around I saw some giant screens on the wall. There was a 65” demo TV that they would sell me for $600. I decided to give it a try. It wouldn’t fit in my car, I had to come back with the van. Being this was not the latest model it was fairly heavy compared to the newer TV’s. After some wrestling I mounted the big moose on the beam. Tough, heavy. The idea was to be able to look over the computer monitors on my desk and see the TV at a glance from about 8’ away. 

We turned on the set where I immediately discovered that you CAN have too much TV. Holy Moly!  I flipped the channels ending up on CNN. I could count Wolf Blitzer’s nose hairs...gross. My girlfriend walked in and started laughing. Back to Best Buy. 

I came home with a 50” and I am still happy. Of course, I want a better TV already, but what do you do with the old one? That’s for another article.

The picture with this blog post is taken from about 2’ behind the desk. That’s a 27” on the left, 23” on the right and a 50” on the beam.  I found this a tolerable setup visually, and it works well for creating. I mainly work on the 27”, use the 23” for extra space. I glance up at the 50” for entertainment.

Everyone has different taste, for me this works. If I was going to change anything I’d move up to a 55” UHD.

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